Staff and Party Pop-ups
In order to make it easier to find and assign a staff or participant to a case, you can enable a pop-up window. The other option is to scroll through a list of all staff or parties to click on the correct name. However, this takes time to scroll through and significantly slows down the load time of your pages.
The pop-up window gives you multiple options for finding your staff or party. You can filter by their case name, last name, or type. Then click on their name. If you do not see their name appear, it means they are not in the system and you will need to add a new party.
Click Add to Add a Party Name
This will take you to a window where you can find existing parties.
Click Add to Add a Staff Name
This will take you to a window where you can find existing staff members.
Type in a Party/Staff Name
This will take you to a screen where you can find existing parties, or add a new one.
You can filter by Person type, Last Name, Case Name, Email, or Phone. You can also do a more Advanced Search.
If you don't find them, navigate back to the Case Screen and click Add a new person.