Recent Updates

This page describes the most recent updates to Caseload Manager.  This is designed for existing users who have taken the Quickstart Tour and explored Help Topics and would like to know about the latest Caseload Manager improvements and updates. 

Recent Updates

  • Intakes
    Generate case, party or staff records from public-facing forms that you create, specific to your precise requirements. Once a form is filled out, an email or text notice is received by your staff person who can make any desired changes and approve the form before it gets added into the system.
  • Custom Report: Stuck on a difficult report? Let us create it for you! This is a one-time fee for a report, that we will email to you as an Excel, graphic, or Word report.
  • Matrix option
    Custom Case Fields can now be designated as a matrix, allowing users to create their own rows and columns to save data.
  • Increased Settings for Assigning Staff Access Levels
    This allows admins to determine whether staff can view reports, edit cases, etc.  
  • Case Open
    ability to quickly see how many days a case has been open 
  • Case Closing Alert
    There is an alert in Caseload Manager that will appear whenever you close a case without saving it. An alert will pop-up that says "Are you sure you want to close this case without saving it?"

Previous Updates

  • Exporting Cases and Case Data
    Caseload Manager can allow you to export case participants and separate their name by first and last name.
  • Emailing Attached Documents 
    Improved process for emailing documents that have been uploaded either by staff or by clients. 
  • Changes Made to Improve Processing Speed 
    Changes in the amount of data displayed and filtered have improved users processing speed.
  • New Case Alert 
    Admins can receive an email alert every time a new case is added to their Caseload Manager system.
  • Staff Removal Alert
    If somone is removing staff from a case, they will receive an alert to verify this is an approved action.
  • Minimum Time Increment 
    Admins can now review the minimum time increment set for billing for activities, such as phone calls and sending emails.  Review in your Global Settings. 
  • Automated Calendar and Email Follow-ups 
    Use Caseload Manager to automatically schedule upcoming events, send you reminders, or send invoices and evaluations to your clients.
  • Upload URL 
    Allow clients to upload documents directly into their case record. They can upload large files of almost any type online in a simple but secure portal--unique to that client.
  • Import
    Importing cases and case data is an add-on feature.  It will allow users to import cases and participants from a previous database.  Contact if you would like to add-on this feature.
  • Deadlines
    Deadlines are useful in determining which case participants are near to or not meeting a keystone event.